MRI Tracking of SPIO- and Fth1-Labeled Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Transplantation for Treatment of Stroke.

We aim to identify a suitable method for long-term monitoring of the migration and proliferation of mesenchymal stromal cells in a rat model of stroke using transgene expression of ferritin by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (BMSCs) were transduced with lentivirus containing plasmid shuttle (pCDH-CMV-MCS-EF1-copGFP) brings ferritin heavy chain 1 (Fth1) gene. Ferritin expression in stromal cells was evaluated by western blotting and immunofluorescent staining.

Absorption of iron from Fth1-BMSCs measured by Prussian blue staining. Following the introduction of surgical occlusion of the middle cerebral artery, Fth1-BMSCs and superparamagnetic iron oxide- (SPIO-) labeled BMSCs were injected via the internal jugular vein. Imaging and the intensity of the signal being monitored by diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), T2-weighted imaging (T2WI), and susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) in vitro and in vivo. Pathology conducted for comparison. We observed that the MRI signal intensity of SPIO-BMSCs gradually reduced over time.

Fth1-BMSCs showed the same signal intensity between 10 and 60 days. SWI shows hypointense lesions in SPIO-BMSC (traceable to 30 d) and Fth1-BMSC group. T2WI not sensitive enough to track Fth1-BMSCs. After transplantation, the cells stained with Prussian blue was observed around the central area of ​​infarction and infarction in both transplantation models. Fth1-BMSCs transplanted to treat focal cerebral infarction safe, reliable, and can be tracked by MRI. Fth1 more stable and suitable labeling of SPIO labeling for long-term tracking. SWI is more sensitive than T2W1 and suitable as MRI-tracking optimal sequence.

 MRI Tracking of SPIO- and Fth1-Labeled Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Transplantation for Treatment of Stroke.
MRI Tracking of SPIO- and Fth1-Labeled Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Transplantation for Treatment of Stroke.

Design and analysis of integrated reporter’s stable transgene expression is induced in human T cells and NK-cell line CAR.

the cytotoxic activity of T and NK-cells can be efficiently Retargeted against cancer cells using chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) and rTCRs. In the context of solid cancers, the use of armored cells CAR T and NK secrete a molecule anti-cancer extras such as cytokines, chemokines, antibodies, bite, cytokine receptor inverse, and inhibitors of the checkpoint, appears particularly promising, as this can help to overcome the immunosuppressive tumor micro , attracting an audience of immune cells, and increasing the CAR T / NK-cell persistence.

Placing such molecule expression under the control of the downstream transcription activation offers T / NK-cell-mediated CAR advantages of targeted delivery, high local concentrations and reduced toxicity. Some canonical DNA sequences are known to function as a promoter-induced activation in human T and B cells have been described to date and usually include multimers of NFkB and NFAT binding sites. However, relatively little is known about the sequence of DNA that can serve as a switch in a context-driven activation of NK cells.

pCDH-CMV-MCS2 cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

CD501A-1 10 ug
EUR 483

pCDH-EF1-MCS cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

CD502A-1 10 ug
EUR 483

pCDH-CMV-MCS-EF1-RFP cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

CD512B-1 10 ug
EUR 572

pCDH-CMV-MCS-EF1-Neo cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

CD514B-1 10 ug
EUR 572

pCDH-CMV-MCS-EF1-Puro cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

CD510B-1 10 ug
EUR 572

pCDH-EF1-MCS-IRES-GFP cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

CD530A-2 10 ug
EUR 590

pCDH-EF1-MCS-IRES-RFP cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

CD531A-2 10 ug
EUR 590

pCDH-EF1-MCS-IRES-Neo cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

CD533A-2 10 ug
EUR 590

pCDH-MSCV-MCS-EF1-GFP cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

CD711B-1 10 ug
EUR 572

pCDH-CMV-MCS-EF1-Hygro cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

CD515B-1 10 ug
EUR 572

pCDH-EF1-MCS-IRES-Puro cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

CD532A-2 10 ug
EUR 590

pCDH-UbC-MCS-EF1-Hygro cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

CD615B-1 10 ug
EUR 572

pCDH-MSCV-MCS-EF1-Puro cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

CD710B-1 10 ug
EUR 572

pCDH-CMV-MCS-EF1-GreenPuro cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

CD513B-1 10 ug
EUR 572

pCDH-CMV-MCS-t2A-copGFP cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

CD524A-1 10 ug
EUR 590

pCDH-CMV-MCS-EF1-RFP+Puro cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

CD516B-2 10 ug
EUR 572

pCDH-MSCV-MCS-EF1-GFP+Puro cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

CD713B-1 10 ug
EUR 572

PB-CMV-MCS-EF1-GFP cDNA cloning and expression vector

PB511B-1 10 ug
EUR 638

PB-CMV-MCS-EF1-RFP cDNA cloning and expression vector

PB512B-1 10 ug
EUR 638

PB-CMV-MCS-EF1-Puro cDNA cloning and expression vector

PB510B-1 10 ug
EUR 638

PB-EF1-MCS-IRES-GFP cDNA cloning and expression vector

PB530A-2 10 ug
EUR 638

PB-EF1-MCS-IRES-RFP cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

PB531A-2 10 ug
EUR 638

PB-EF1-MCS-IRES-Neo cDNA cloning and expression vector

PB533A-2 10 ug
EUR 638

pCDH-EF1-MCS-T2A-Puro cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector 10 µg

CD527A-1 10 ug
EUR 590

PB-CMV-MCS-EF1-RedPuro cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

PB514B-2 10 ug
EUR 638

PB-CMV-MCS-EF1-GreenPuro cDNA cloning and expression vector

PB513B-1 10 ug
EUR 638

PB-MSCV-MCS-EF1-GreenPuro cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

PB713B-1 10 ug
EUR 638

pCDH-CMV-MCS cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

CD500B-1 10 ug
EUR 483

pCDH-EF1-MCS-BGH-PGK-GFP-T2A-Puro cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

CD550A-1 10 ug
EUR 563

pCDH-UbC-MCS-IRES-GFP cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

CD630A-1 10 ug
EUR 590

pCDH-MCS-T2A-Puro-MSCV cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

CD522A-1 10 ug
EUR 590

pCDH-MSCV-MCS-IRES-GFP cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

CD731B-1 10 ug
EUR 590

pCDH-EF1-MCS-(PGK-GFP) Cloning and Expression Vector

CD811A-1 10 ug
EUR 579

pCDH-EF1-MCS-(PGK-Puro) Cloning and Expression Vector

CD810A-1 10 ug
EUR 579

PB-Cuo-MCS-IRES-GFP-EF1-CymR-Puro Inducible cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

PBQM812A-1 10 ug
EUR 1023

pCDH-MCS-T2A-copGFP-MSCV Cloning and Expression Vector

CD523A-1 10 ug
EUR 590

pSIH1-H1-copGFP shRNA Cloning and Expression Vector

SI501A-1 10 ug
EUR 507

pAAVK-EF1α-MCS1-CMV-MCS2 AAVanced Cloning and Expression Vector

AAV503A-1 10 ug
EUR 614

pCDH-EF1-MCS-(PGK-GFP-T2A-Puro) Cloning and Expression Vector

CD813A-1 10 ug
EUR 579

pCDH-EF1-MCS-T2A-RFP (PGK-Puro) Cloning and Expression Vector

CD822A-1 10 ug
EUR 579

pCDH-EF1-MCS-T2A-GFP (PGK-Puro) Cloning and Expression Vector

CD823A-1 10 ug
EUR 579

pAAVK-EF1α -MCS AAVanced Cloning and Expression Vector

AAV502A-1 10 ug
EUR 614

PB-EF1-GreenPuro-H1-MCS shRNA cloning and expression vector

PBSI506A-1 10 ug
EUR 638

pAAVK-EF1α -MCS-T2A-EGFP AAVanced Cloning and Expression Vector

AAV526A-1 10 ug
EUR 614

pAAVK-EF1α -MCS-T2A-Puro AAVanced Cloning and Expression Vector

AAV527A-1 10 ug
EUR 614

pAAVK-EF1α –MCS-T2A-mRFP AAVanced Cloning and Expression Vector

AAV528A-1 10 ug
EUR 614

PB-CuO-CMV-MCS-EF1α-CymR-Puro Inducible cDNA Cloning and Expression Vector

PBQM800A-1 10 µg
EUR 921


PVTY00736 2ug
EUR 280

pCDF1- MCS2- EF1- Puro Plasmid

PVT2338 2 ug
EUR 319.2

pSIH1-H1-Puro shRNA Cloning and Expression Vector

SI500A-1 10 ug
EUR 507

pSIH1-H1-H2Kk shRNA Cloning and Expression Vector

SI502A-1 10 ug
EUR 507

Cumate-Inducible (CuO) EEV cloning and expression vector

EEV610A-1 10 ug
EUR 614

Constitutive (CAGs promoter) EEV cloning and expression vector

EEV600A-1 10 ug
EUR 614

PB-Cuo-shMCS-IRES-GFP-EF1-CymR-Puro Inducible shRNA Cloning and Expression Vector

PBQMSH812A-1 10 ug
EUR 1023

PB-CMV-GreenPuro-H1-MCS shRNA cloning and expression vector

PBSI505A-1 10 ug
EUR 638

pAAVK-EF1α-MCS1-CMV-EGFP AAVanced Cloning and Expression Vector

AAV536A-1 10 ug
EUR 614

pAAVK-EF1α-MCS1-CMV-Puro AAVanced Cloning and Expression Vector

AAV537A-1 10 ug
EUR 614

pAAVK-EF1α-MCS1-CMV-mRFP AAVanced Cloning and Expression Vector

AAV538A-1 10 ug
EUR 614

XStamp cloning and expression lentivector MSCV-Leader-MCS-C1C2-EF1-Puro

XSTP710PA-1 10 ug
EUR 730

ProFold-C1. Baculovirus chaperone vector for expression of cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins.

A2 25 ul
EUR 830
Description: Protein expression

ProFold-C2. Baculovirus chaperone vector for expression of cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins.

A3 25 ul
EUR 830
Description: Protein expression

ProFold-ER1. Baculovirus chaperone vector for expression of secreted and membrane proteins.

A4 25 ul
EUR 830
Description: Protein expression

ER1 Kit. Baculovirus chaperone vectors for expression of secreted and membrane proteins.

K23 1 Kit
EUR 995
Description: Protein expression

ER1-bee Kit. Baculovirus chaperone vectors for expression of secreted and membrane proteins.

K24 1 Kit
EUR 995
Description: Protein expression

pLenti-SFFV-MCS-EF1-copGFP Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV460 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pCDH- EF1- MCS- T2A- copGFP

PVT2336 2 ug
EUR 390

pCDH- CMV- MCS- EF1- copGFP Plasmid

PVT2334 2 ug
EUR 390

ProFold-PDI. Baculovirus chaperone vector for expression of cysteine-rich proteins.

A7 25 ul
EUR 830
Description: Protein expression

pCDH- CMV- MCS- EF1- CopGFP- T2A- Puro

PVT2333 2 ug
EUR 390

pCDH- MSCV- MCS- EF1- CopGFP- T2A- Puro

PVT11079 2 ug
EUR 444

baculoCOMPLETE protein expression kit

400100 5 reactions
EUR 621.81

pLenti-CAG-MCS- EF1-coGFP Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV360 10 µg
EUR 416.5

GCP (green control plasmid for GFP expression)

C15 50 ul
EUR 145
Description: Protein expression

baculoCOMPLETE protein expression kit + baculoQUANT all-in-one

400101 5 + 100 reactions
EUR 1009.89

pLenti-EF1-MCS-PGK-Neo Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV202 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pLenti-EF1-MCS-PGK-RFP Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV220 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pLenti-EF1-MCS-PGK-PURO Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV201 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pLenti-CAG-MCS-EF1-PURO Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV351 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pLenti-EF1-MCS-PGK-Hygro Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV203 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pLenti-SFFV-MCS-EF1-Puro Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV451 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pLenti-CAG-MCS-EF1-TdTomato Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV370 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pLenti-SFFV-MCS-EF1-TdTomato Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV470 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pLenti-MCS-EF1-GFP-T2A-puro Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV011 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pLenti-MCS-EF1-RFP-T2A-puro Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV021 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pCDH- CMV- mCherry- EF1- CopGFP- Puro

PVT11078 2 ug
EUR 444

pLenti-EF1-MCS-PGK-GFP-T2A-PURO Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV211 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pLenti-EF1-MCS-PGK-GFP-T2A-Neo Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV212 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pLenti-EF1-MCS-PGK-RFP-T2A-PURO Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV221 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pLenti-EF1-MCS-PGK-GFP-T2A-Hygro Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV213 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pLenti-CAG-MCS-EF1-coGFP-T2A-PURO Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV361 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pLenti-SFFV-MCS-EF1-coGFP-T2A-Puro Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV461 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pLenti-CAG-MCS-EF1-TdTomato-T2A-Puro Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV371 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pLenti-SFFV-MCS-EF1-TdTomato-T2A-Puro Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV471 10 µg
EUR 416.5

CNGA2 Expression vector

60642 20 µg
EUR 900
Description: The CNGA2 expression vector is designed to express human cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel 2 (CNGA2) in mammalian cells.

CNGA2 Expression vector

GWB-PSFA61 20ug Ask for price

pYLEX1 - Expression Vector

FYY203-5MG 5mg Ask for price

pRedPuro shRNA expression lentivector (EF1)

SI516A-1 10 ug
EUR 594

Rac1 Expression Vector Set

STA-454 1 kit
EUR 1765.2
Description: Rac1 Expression Vector Set contains 3 vectors: Rac wild type, T17N dominant negative mutant, and G12V constitutively active mutant.

RhoA Expression Vector Set

STA-456 1 kit
EUR 1765.2
Description: RhoA Expression Vector Set contains 3 vectors: RhoA wild type, T19N dominant negative mutant, and G14V constitutively active mutant.

Cdc42 Expression Vector Set

STA-455 1 kit
EUR 1765.2
Description: Cdc42 Expression Vector Set contains 3 vectors: Cdc42 wild type, T17N dominant negative mutant, and Q61L constitutively active mutant.

AAVS1 Safe Harbor cDNA/miRNA Donor Vector [pAAVS1D-PGK.MCS-EF1a.copGFPpuro]

GE602A-1 10 ug
EUR 1190

pGreenPuro shRNA expression lentivector (EF1)

SI506A-1 10 ug
EUR 594

pAAV-MCS Expression Vector

MBS169528-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 695

pAAV-MCS Expression Vector

MBS169528-5x001mg 5x0.01mg
EUR 2955

pAAV-MCS Expression Vector

VPK-410 10 µg
EUR 444

pscAAV-MCS Expression Vector

VPK-430 10 µg
EUR 776.4
Description: Clone your gene of interest into this AAV Expression Vector, then co-transfect along with AAV packaging vectors into a packaging host cell line such as 293AAV.

pUC57-sgRNA expression vector

PVT18003 2 ug
EUR 309.6

H-Ras Expression Vector Set

STA-457 1 kit
EUR 1765.2
Description: H-Ras Expression Vector Set contains 3 vectors: H-Ras wild type, T19N dominant negative mutant, and G12V constitutively active mutant.

ANPRA/Aequorin Expression vector

60641 20 µg
EUR 900
Description: The ANPRA/Aequorin expression vector is designed to co-express human atrial natriuretic peptide receptor A (ANPRA, also called natriuretic peptide receptor A/guanylate cyclase A) and jellyfish (Aequorea victoria) Aequorin in mammalian cells.

ANPRA/Aequorin Expression vector

GWB-PS0F6A 20ug Ask for price

GFP-Rac1 Expression Vector Set

STA-450 1 kit
EUR 1939.2
Description: GFP-Rac1 Expression Vector Set contains 3 vectors: Rac wild type, T17N dominant negative mutant, and Q61L constitutively active mutant. Each vector also contains a GFP reporter sequence.

GFP-RhoA Expression Vector Set

STA-452 1 kit
EUR 1939.2
Description: GFP-RhoA Expression Vector Set contains 3 vectors: RhoA wild type, T19N dominant negative mutant, and Q63L constitutively active mutant. Each vector also contains a GFP reporter sequence.

Bicistronic Expression: pCHAC-MCS1-IRES-MCS2

ABP-PVL-BICISIRES 5 ug Ask for price

GFP-Cdc42 Expression Vector Set

STA-451 1 kit
EUR 1939.2
Description: GFP-Cdc42 Expression Vector Set contains 3 vectors: Cdc42 wild type, T17N dominant negative mutant, and Q61L constitutively active mutant. Each vector also contains a GFP reporter sequence.

Active Rac1 Expression Vector Set

STA-458 1 kit
EUR 1765.2
Description: Active Rac1 Expression Vector Set contains 3 vectors expressing different constitutively active mutants of Rac1: Q61L, Q61L/F37A, and Q61L/Y40C.

pCMV-GFP-LC3 Expression Vector

CBA-401 100 µL
EUR 1243.2
Description: Expression vector contains a fusion of GFP and LC3. A separate GFP control vector is also included.

Lenti-III-HA Expression Vector

LV022 10 μg
EUR 575

Tet-on circRNA Expression Vector

PVT14643 2 ug
EUR 843.6

Lenti-III-UbC Expression Vector

G300 10 μg
EUR 575

Lenti-III-PGK Expression Vector

G305 10 μg
EUR 575

pAAV-IRES-GFP Expression Vector

MBS169533-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 695

pAAV-IRES-GFP Expression Vector

MBS169533-5x001mg 5x0.01mg
EUR 2955

pAAV-IRES-Neo Expression Vector

VPK-416 10 µg
EUR 776.4
Description: Clone your gene of interest into this AAV Expression Vector, then co-transfect along with AAV packaging vectors into a packaging host cell line such as 293AAV.

pAAV-IRES-GFP Expression Vector

VPK-418 10 µg
EUR 444

pAAV-IRES-Bsd Expression Vector

VPK-419 10 µg
EUR 776.4
Description: Clone your gene of interest into this AAV Expression Vector, then co-transfect along with AAV packaging vectors into a packaging host cell line such as 293AAV.

pAAV-IRES-Puro Expression Vector

VPK-415 10 µg
EUR 776.4
Description: Clone your gene of interest into this AAV Expression Vector, then co-transfect along with AAV packaging vectors into a packaging host cell line such as 293AAV.

pAAV-IRES-Hygro Expression Vector

VPK-417 10 µg
EUR 776.4
Description: Clone your gene of interest into this AAV Expression Vector, then co-transfect along with AAV packaging vectors into a packaging host cell line such as 293AAV.

Active H-Ras Expression Vector Set

STA-459 1 kit
EUR 1765.2
Description: Active H-Ras Expression Vector Set contains 3 vectors expressing different constitutively active mutants of H-Ras: V12, V12S35, and V12C40.

pLenti-MCS Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV000 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pSMPUW-Neo Lentiviral Expression Vector

MBS169522-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 665

pSMPUW-Neo Lentiviral Expression Vector

MBS169522-5x001mg 5x0.01mg
EUR 2825

pAAV-MCS Promoterless Expression Vector

MBS169529-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 695

pAAV-MCS Promoterless Expression Vector

MBS169529-5x001mg 5x0.01mg
EUR 2955

pSMPUW-Neo Lentiviral Expression Vector

VPK-213 10 µg
EUR 424

pAAV-MCS Promoterless Expression Vector

VPK-411 10 µg
EUR 444

pSMPUW-Puro Lentiviral Expression Vector

MBS169521-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 665

pSMPUW-Puro Lentiviral Expression Vector

MBS169521-5x001mg 5x0.01mg
EUR 2825

pSMPUW-Puro Lentiviral Expression Vector

VPK-212 10 µg
EUR 424

pSMPUW-Hygro Lentiviral Expression Vector

MBS169523-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 665

pSMPUW-Hygro Lentiviral Expression Vector

MBS169523-5x001mg 5x0.01mg
EUR 2825

pSMPUW-Hygro Lentiviral Expression Vector

VPK-214 10 µg
EUR 505

Baculovirus Expression Vector pAc-l-Fc

MBS641019-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 825

Baculovirus Expression Vector pAc-l-Fc

MBS641019-5x0005mg 5x0.005mg
EUR 3560

Baculovirus Expression Vector pAc-k-Fc

MBS641024-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 825

Baculovirus Expression Vector pAc-k-Fc

MBS641024-5x0005mg 5x0.005mg
EUR 3560

Rex2 (GFP-tagged) - Mouse reduced expression 2 (cDNA clone MGC:106319 IMAGE:30459933)

MG209595 10 µg Ask for price

Rex2 (GFP-tagged) - Mouse reduced expression 2 (cDNA clone MGC:76572 IMAGE:30462971)

MG209924 10 µg Ask for price

Baculovirus expression vector pAc-g-CH3

30R-AB001 5 ug
EUR 685
Description: Baculovirus cassette vector pAc-l-CH3 for the expression of human, humanized or chimeric IgG(lambda) in insect cells and secretion of assembled antibodies into the supernatant.

Baculovirus expression vector pAc-g-CH3

GWB-EC6621 0.01 ml Ask for price

Baculovirus expression vector pAc-g-CH3

MBS537173-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 865

Baculovirus expression vector pAc-g-CH3

MBS537173-5x0005mg 5x0.005mg
EUR 3745

Baculovirus Expression Vector pAc-k-CH3

MBS641022-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 825

Baculovirus Expression Vector pAc-k-CH3

MBS641022-5x0005mg 5x0.005mg
EUR 3560

Baculovirus Expression Vector pAc-l-CH3

MBS641026-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 820

Baculovirus Expression Vector pAc-l-CH3

MBS641026-5x0005mg 5x0.005mg
EUR 3530

Yeast Secreted Protein Expression Vector Kit

RY8014 2ug(20ul,100ng/ul)
EUR 1800

Exoenzyme C3 (Rho Inhibitor) Expression Vector

STA-460 1 kit
EUR 860.4
Description: This mammalian expression vector codes for Exoenzyme C3, a Rho inhibitor.

FoldHelper-57P. Recombinant baculovirus expressing ERp57 and PDI.

H17 1 ml
EUR 295
Description: Protein expression

pSMPUW-GFP-LC3 Lentiviral Expression Vector

LTV-801 10 µg
EUR 1444.8
Description: Expression vector contains a fusion of GFP and LC3. A separate GFP control vector is also included.

pSMPUW-IRES-Neo Lentiviral Expression Vector

MBS169525-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 665

pSMPUW-IRES-Neo Lentiviral Expression Vector

MBS169525-5x001mg 5x0.01mg
EUR 2825

pSMPUW-IRES-Neo Lentiviral Expression Vector

VPK-216 10 µg
EUR 424

pSMPUW-IRES-Puro Lentiviral Expression Vector

MBS169524-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 665

pSMPUW-IRES-Puro Lentiviral Expression Vector

MBS169524-5x001mg 5x0.01mg
EUR 2825

pSMPUW-IRES-Puro Lentiviral Expression Vector

VPK-215 10 µg
EUR 424

pSMPUW-IRES-Hygro Lentiviral Expression Vector

MBS169526-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 665

pSMPUW-IRES-Hygro Lentiviral Expression Vector

MBS169526-5x001mg 5x0.01mg
EUR 2825

pSMPUW-IRES-Hygro Lentiviral Expression Vector

VPK-217 10 µg
EUR 424

Mouse IL-23 Enhanced Episomal Expression Vector

EEV651A-1 100 ug
EUR 812

pMXs-miRNA-GFP/Puro Retroviral Expression Vector

MBS169492-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 665

pMXs-miRNA-GFP/Puro Retroviral Expression Vector

MBS169492-5x001mg 5x0.01mg
EUR 2825

pMXs-miRNA-GFP/Puro Retroviral Expression Vector

RTV-017 10 ?g
EUR 424

Lix1 (GFP-tagged) - Mouse limb expression 1 homolog (chicken) (cDNA clone MGC:58187 IMAGE:6593108)

MG203821 10 µg Ask for price

pLenti-MCS-PGK-PURO Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV001 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pSMPUW-IRES-Blasticidin Lentiviral Expression Vector

MBS169527-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 665

pSMPUW-IRES-Blasticidin Lentiviral Expression Vector

MBS169527-5x001mg 5x0.01mg
EUR 2825

pSMPUW-IRES-Blasticidin Lentiviral Expression Vector

VPK-219 10 µg
EUR 505

pSMPUW Universal Lentiviral Expression Vector (Promoterless)

MBS169520-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 665

pSMPUW Universal Lentiviral Expression Vector (Promoterless)

MBS169520-5x001mg 5x0.01mg
EUR 2825

pSMPUW Universal Lentiviral Expression Vector (Promoterless)

VPK-211 10 µg
EUR 424

Lix1 (untagged) - Mouse limb expression 1 homolog (chicken) (cDNA clone MGC:66883 IMAGE:5715784), (10ug)

MC206045 10 µg Ask for price

pLenti-CAG-MCS-PGK-NEO Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV302 10 µg
EUR 416.5

Lix1 (Myc-DDK-tagged) - Mouse limb expression 1 homolog (chicken) (cDNA clone MGC:58187 IMAGE:6593108)

MR203821 10 µg Ask for price

pLenti-CMV-MCS-EF1α-RFP Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV120 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pLenti-CAG-MCS-PGK-HygR Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV303 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pLenti-SFFV-MCS-PGK-NEO Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV402 10 µg
EUR 416.5

Excision only piggyBac Transposase expression vector, 50 rxns

PB220PA-1 10 ug
EUR 471

pLenti-SFFV-MCS-PGK-Puro Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV401 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pLenti-SFFV-MCS-PGK-Hygro Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV403 10 µg
EUR 416.5

pLenti-CAG-MCS-PGK-TdTomato Lentiviral Expression Vector

LV320 10 µg
EUR 416.5

We set out to compare the functionality of some activation-induced promoter in primary human T cells, as well as in the line of NK cells and NK-92 construction YT.Lentiviral engineered to express two fluorescent reporters: mCherry under 4xNFAT, 2xNFkB, 5xNFkB, 10xNFkB, 30xNFkB promoter, as well as two promoter variants of CD69, and copGFP under a strong constitutive promoter of the gene of human EF1a. Pseudotyped lentiviral particles obtained using the construction transduced into human primary T cells and NK-92 and certain cell lines expressing YT CAR to PSMA. Transgenic cells derived activated by CD3 / CD28 beads (T cell) or via CAR (CAR-NK cell line).

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